By the end of the caption, there's no bollocks there either!
What do you know? Not only do I get to be chav-like with Terri, but I get to hang out in Britain too!
Terri has been on the Haven for almost 12 years now, and we've probably been trading captions about that long as well. Just looked, and apparently I made her a caption right after she got a trading folder, back in September of 2010! WOW! Here it is, actually!
Hmmmm, the blonds do look a bit similar between 2010 and 2022. Perhaps Terri is a vampire that never ages! Makes sense, as she's always nibbling on my neck! Anyway .. FLASHBACK for those who were there, and another new caption for those who weren't!
Here's what I had to say when I posted it to her trading folder: "I saw this photo, and I pictured us walking to a pub to grab a pint or two, and THIS ended up happening. And I guess, in the end, I'd call that a bargain .. the best I ever had! ~ Dee "definitely not a wanker" Mentia!"
I do need to pop off across the pond at some point. Perhaps I'll get myself a passport someday and roam around there, driving on the wrong side of the road and eat crisps and ride a tube and whatnot. If so, I'd love to go out clubbing with Terri. She's such a sweetie, even when she's acting like a bitchy tart!
I don't think I need to explain the caption, do I? Other than to say that I made it so that Terri could be either 'lady' though I leaned towards Terri being the blonde. The colors of the dialog line up better that way, but either body is fine with me! Love ya, Terri! So glad you are still around, captioning .. keeping us all posh and shit!
Any suggestions for discord chat / boards of a transformation and/or TG fiction/caption type rooms that you think I'd like, or could be invited into? Let me know!